Dear Jenny,
Soooo, apparently it’s September. As in the NINTH month. The only explanation for how this year is managing to be so excruciatingly, cliff-hanging-ly, mind-numbingly short has got to be sorcery. I mean, it defies the laws of physics (and etiquette, quite frankly) that 2020 should be both a slow burn and a complete blur at the very same time.
Anyhoo, I’m not throwing in the towel. I started this year with big goals (didn’t we all) and I’ll be hot damned if I’m going to let a thing like utter dystopia stand in my way.
I’ve tried to use this purgatory time wisely by tackling some of the big projects I have on my plate, planning out my next moves and strategies, and sitting by a pool/lake/beach.
The biggest thing happening right now is that I have opened a second round to the BETA version of my digital course: The Empowered Nonprofit Leader. It begins September 10th and I’ve revised the timeline so that it takes place over 3 weeks instead of 12. This will be the last time I offer the BETA experience. If you know and/or love a nonprofit leader, would you please tell them about my program?
Also, in case you were on staycation, in July I published an article on my blog about digital marketing for nonprofits. It features advice from marketing and millennial research guru, Ben Smithee, and it’s a must-read for organizations that are hoping to stay relevant in this digital age. You can check it out here: Digital or Die: A Marketing Master's Tough-Love Tips for Nonprofits.
It’s also over on LinkedIn: Digital or Die. And, if you’re going there, be sure to like my company page Bernadette Mack, LLC - it could use some social media love.
Oh, and if you need a laugh, I’ve started a YouTube channel where I’m periodically posting small updates about building my business. If you’re interested in what I’m doing “behind the scenes” to build an online coaching and consulting business for nonprofit leaders, feel free to check out my tragic clips here.
I hope you’ve managed to get into some sort of groove and have made peace with the fact that everything - and I mean everything - is up in the air. (It’s ok to fantasize about predictability, right??) I’d love to hear how you’re staying sane and still keeping it together - drop me a line.
Keep Up the Good Work,