A framework for developing TRANSFORMATIONAL INFLUENCE and the POWER to do your best work.


I’ve taken everything I’ve learned over more than 20 years working with and for nonprofit organizations and channeled it into a program unlike any other. My unique insights and methods are the product of a wide range of experience including public relations for healthcare, development & fundraising for higher education, and executive management for associations. As a volunteer, I’ve been a grant fund chair, event planning chair, and served on a health & human services agency board for 13 years. I’ve also been president of multiple networking organizations and civic groups. The modules in ENLP are based on what has worked for me over the years, what I’ve seen others do with great success, and hacks for avoiding some of the HARD lessons I’ve learned along the way.

The ENLP isn’t so much a training program as it is a tool for transformation.

You’ll develop a comprehensive guide that outlines your operations and you’ll gain a deep understanding of the strategic value of each core aspect of your organization.

The end result: An indispensable, long-term ASSET ready to be put to use immediately and referenced for the rest of your nonprofit career.


The Empowered Nonprofit Leader Program is the first course of its kind that…



Your leadership is the key to meaningful, lasting impact which is why all the lessons in ENLP are centered around ways for you to make the most of the components you already have in place - through deeper understanding and new perspectives. 



This course does not require you to make “brain space” for complicated new processes, memorize facts, or completely upend your workflow. It is designed to provide you with information to get past common stop gaps, improve your current processes, and streamline every aspect of your work.



The Empowered Nonprofit Leader Program can be work you do on your own or it can be used as a tool to help educate and engage your team - guiding you to lead others toward transformation. 

Here's how it all breaks down:

Ready to Enroll?

Module 1

The Foundation

In the first module, we'll set the stage for a successful course experience - getting into the right frame of mind for creativity and thought processes. Starting with a clear picture of what to expect and ways to make the most of this course will give context to each of the future modules. 

Module Highlights:

  • A complete 360 overview of the ENLP Action Plan
  • The six ideas you must let go of in order to move forward
  • How nonprofit work fits into the global economy and why it matters
  • Review the differences between common nonprofit organization structures
  • Getting started on your customized guidebook
Module 2

The Mission, Vision & Values

A well-written and compelling mission statement is not just nice to have, it can be an invaluable
tool to help your organization make better decisions, avoid distractions that derail your progress
and deplete your resources, attract new supporters, and keep everyone moving in the same
direction. All roads lead back to the mission.

Module Highlights:

  • How to create or reimagine mission statements that engage and inspire
  • Examples of statements that make the grade (and examples that don’t!)
  • The step-by-step simple, yet critical, process for reviewing or creating your mission and vision statement
  • How to put your ideal mission and vision statements to work for you
  • How to workshop your mission/vision/values work with your stakeholders
Module 3

The Budget

Now that you've laid the foundation and perfected your mission and vision, it's time to ensure that your budget is in line with the priorities you will set for your organization. 

Module Highlights:

  • Take a look at the responsibilities and processes involved in nonprofit budgeting

  • Review common budget types and characteristics

  • Explore, understand, and record your current financial practices
  • Utilize budget and financial resolution templates
Module 4

The Bylaws

With your priorities and finances aligned, it's time to explore your organizational bylaws. Do your governing documents support your prioritized mission, vision, and values? Are the provisions in your bylaws open enough to allow for future innovations but restrictive enough to protect the orgs interests? Are they compliant with state and federal nonprofit laws? Do they support a healthy division of governance and management?Getting your bylaws right and reviewing them regularly can become a leadership superpower! 

Module Highlights:

  • What to add in - and what to leave out - of effective bylaws.

  • The bylaw review process - who, when, how, why.

  • Leveraging your bylaws - how to make sure they support your empowerment and create meaningful stakeholder experiences.
  • BETA GROUP BONUS: Sample Bylaws - ready to use and not from the Stone Age
Module 5

The Board

Great governance starts with clear expectations about the roles and responsibilities of nonprofit board members. In this module we explore how executive directors and CEOs can foster productive and powerful partnerships with their boards...and how to ensure that everyone is set up for success. 

Module Highlights:

  • Examine the governance Golden Rule

  • Review common roles and responsibilities - as well as job descriptions for board members

  • Explore recruitment strategies and best practices
  • Receive frequently-used board policy samples - ready to customize and use
  • Take a look at effective meeting strategies and the Meeting Agenda template
  • BETA GROUP BONUS: Full Board Orientation Slideshow Template
Module 6

The Goals

In the final module, we integrate all of the previous modules into a big-picture understanding of where your organization is today, where it will go, and the steps it will take to get there. All of your groundwork has led you to a deeper sense of purpose and you will be ready to map out a plan to begin your organization's transformation. We will also cover additional topics and best practices that will contribute to the success of your plans.

Module Highlights:

  • Explore what prioritizing your scope, your plans, and your outcomes looks like

  • Consider the roles delegation and automation play in your progress

  • Delve into the ways you can use data points to determine your strategies
  • Receive frequently-used board policy samples - ready to customize and use
  • Evaluate your fundraising approach, methods, and game plan
  • Review your guidebook framework and how to put it to use today and in the future 

Questions You May Have Before Enrolling

I'm so glad you asked!

The Empowered Nonprofit Leader Program is a self-study course that you can do at your own pace. There are 36 lessons that range from about  2 minutes to 20 about minutes. You will also want to  complete the workbooks and worksheets. 

Eg. if you spent 30 minutes per day on the ENLP you could complete the entire course and "homework" in less than 10 days. 

Yes! Though the course content will be released each Wednesday, you can access it any time. Of course, it's recommended that you try to keep pace and finish all of the modules. Any live or recorded group sessions will be scheduled in advance so that you can plan to participate if it works for you. *There are no assessments or tests to take. 

Maybe you’re SUPER small and you’re afraid that this course won’t be relevant to you because you don’t have a big budget, a big board, or a big team. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The Empowered Nonprofit Leader course is specifically designed to help you build a framework that will guide your fledgling organization into the future. By the end of this course, you will understand the importance of building a solid foundation, employing efficient practices, and attracting a committed community - and you’ll have a physical handbook designed specifically for your organization that you can reference and share with your growing team. All of the most important aspects of leading a successful organization are together in one place, to learn at your own pace, with a community of supportive peers. 

They say the biggest gap in life is between knowing what to do and actually doing it - so mind the gap. If you’ve got lots of experience working in nonprofits, some of the information I’m providing may not be new to you. But, perhaps you haven’t taken the time to DO all of the things you know you ought to. By following my process and taking a step by step approach, you can be sure that you are making the most of your mission, your budget, your bylaws, your board - and even gain some creative new ideas for avoiding pitfalls and reaching your goals.

You can learn almost anything on the internet for free these days - that’s the amazing benefit of the technology we’re experiencing today. What’s not free, however, is having all of the most important information for you and the stage you’re currently in distilled and organized into one complete package. I’ve used twenty years of experience working with and for various types of nonprofit organizations to create a framework for your success - one that you can move through step by step without wasting hours and hours scouring info and articles online. There’s a lot to be said for learning as you go and grabbing info on the fly - but what sets empowered leaders apart from others is the ability to be strategic and that only comes when you are able to think and plan holistically. 

Fundraising is an important aspect of every nonprofit leader's (and nonprofit board's) job and it is often cited as a top challenge or area of concern. In the Empowered Nonprofit Leader Program we explore the ways in which fundraising is perceived, valued, planned, and executed in the context of every other aspect of your organization. Attracting and accepting funds does not happen in a vacuum and, for that reason, the Empowered Nonprofit Leader Program focuses on all the things you need to get right in order to make fundraising easier. 

Enroll Now


The 14-Day MONEY BACK Guarantee 

Let me give it to you straight.

The Empowered Nonprofit Leader Program is the most comprehensive, real-world, actionable course for nonprofit leaders who want greater outcomes and less headaches.

By the end of these 14 days you'll have received the Guide Book Framework, the Mission, Vision, and Values Workbook, and the mindset shifts that are needed to do your best work - and you'll be on your way toward greater professional empowerment.

If you don't feel motivated and confident enough to tackle your most pressing challenges and do the work required to transform your organization, simply email me ([email protected]) at the end of the 14 days, show that you've done the work so far, and I'll refund your course fee.


50% Complete

Two Step

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