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Happy Birthday with Blue Flowers

Season #1

Are you a podcast junkie like me? I find myself checking out shows when I’m doing things around the house, in the car, on a walk. Sometimes I think I’m consuming more than creating, but like all things there’s a balance.

I must admit that I’m kind of freaking out about how fast 2023 is zooming by. I sometimes feel like I need to slow down and savor the moment and time will slow as well.

If you’d like to support the show, you can send me your gift ideas or suggestions for nonprofit organizations that are doing great work where you are at [email protected] . You can also become an annual supporter or a nonprofit supporter by visiting my podcast page. 

Gift of the Week

Today’s gift is a pair of earrings for my sister-in-law for her birthday. Erin is one of those people who is really fun to shop for.

When I need someone to talk to, Erin is one of my go-to people. She’s a great listener who is kind and down to earth. I’ve always admired her and how accepting and understanding she is of others. It makes me want to be more like her.

I sent her a pair of acrylic arch earrings. They were from More on Sleepy Mountain another time because they have too much cool stuff to mention.

I purchased the gift from Made, By the People, For the People. This is such an amazing store. I’ve always dreamed of having my own shop and Made has lots of the kinds of things I imagine I’d stock.

Donation of the Week

This week’s donation went to The Anderson Center for Autism in Staatsburg NY. I donated to this organization because it’s where Erin works.

Their mission: Anderson Center for Autism's core philosophy is that all people deserve to live a life of quality. Anderson has the expertise, resources, and technology to enable the agency to optimize the quality of life for all people with autism, around the world.

They have a great description on their history page. I wish it was more prominent because it’s compelling.

A cool thing happened! Right after I donated an email came through asking if my donation was in honor of anyone. There’s something comforting about knowing that a human actually noticed your donation on the other end and that it went though.

Automation is great but real communication can’t be beat!

MADE; for the people, by the people.

Sleepy Mountain

The Anderson Center for Autism

Show Notes provided by Sound Advice Strategies


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