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How to Use Email to Grow Your Nonprofit in 2021

Finding new members and donors for your nonprofit organization can sometimes be a challenge - especially if you have a small team or a packed programming agenda. Finding the time to seek out and engage people who might want to join your cause isn’t always feasible when there are events to plan, initiatives to develop, or reports to write. Wearing many hats adds to the excitement of running a nonprofit but it also means leaders are often stretched thin


When I was the...

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Deliverance: Free Your Cold Subscribers for Better Email Open Rates

Last week, in a message to my subscribers, I talked about how I’m building my email list as a main strategy to develop my coaching and consulting business. And how the same activities and tools I’m using can and should also be used by nonprofits to expand their communities and attract more people to support their mission


There’s another aspect to list building that is just as important as attracting the right people and that is releasing the wrong people....

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Automatically Inspired: How System-Generated Messaging Can Make or Break Your Organizationā€™s COVID Response

This article originally appeared on the Impact PR & Communications Blog here:

Automatically Inspired: How System-Generated Messaging Can Make or Break Your Organization’s COVID Response

This article originally appeared on the Impact PR & Communications Blog here:

Without in-person events or meetings, organizations must now rely entirely on email and other digital forms of communication to welcome new members, thank donors,...

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