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Churn, Baby, Churn: Three things proactive associations will have done to rescue member retention


A valid concern.

Associations and other nonprofits that do not provide direct support or essential services related to COVID, work-from-home, or the economic downturn might be feeling a tad vulnerable by now. Perhaps they fear that their members, when faced with tough choices and competing priorities, will let their memberships lapse or will cancel outright. 


The moment(s) of truth.

36% of membership organizations have “rolling memberships” in which members...

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Automatically Inspired: How System-Generated Messaging Can Make or Break Your Organizationā€™s COVID Response

This article originally appeared on the Impact PR & Communications Blog here:

Automatically Inspired: How System-Generated Messaging Can Make or Break Your Organization’s COVID Response

This article originally appeared on the Impact PR & Communications Blog here:

Without in-person events or meetings, organizations must now rely entirely on email and other digital forms of communication to welcome new members, thank donors,...

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