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A Better Way to Avoid Personality Problems on Your Board

If you missed last week’s blog post about common personality types that get in the way of nonprofit progress, you can check it out here. In a slightly tongue-in-cheek way, I described eight seriously disruptive that you might pinpoint sources of friction within your board.


Here’s the good news: many of you probably read the list, had a chuckle, recognized a person or two, and decided those folks weren’t so bad after all.



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Board to Death: 8 Personalities that are Killing your Organization's Mojo

Running a nonprofit organization - and working effectively with a board of directors - requires a high degree of "people skills." Your ability to organize, galvanize, and mobilize a wide variety of people (and their personalities) will determine how successful you can ultimately be in advancing your mission. Disruptive behaviors lead to conflict and, as Dale Carnegie Associates says, "conflict in the workplace weakens morale, strains productivity, and burdens overall progress." 


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