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Stop Blaming Fundraising: 8 (Other) Ways to Improve Your Bottom Line

Sometimes fundraising gets a bad rap. Actually, it gets a bad rap most of the time. Hang out with nonprofit leaders anywhere and you'll hear phrases like these:

"Fundraising is hard."

"Nobody likes to fundraise." 

"We don't have a development person/department."

"There's too much competition/we're all chasing after the same money."

While I don't dispute that fundraising can be a challenge, (just look at how many people and companies are dedicated to helping...

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Anything E.U. Can Do, I Can Do Better

Europe’s failing vaccine rollout was the topic of yesterday morning’s New York Times newsletter. Apparently, distribution is much slower in the EU than in many other places and, as a result, cases of COVID-19 are continuing to surge.

But, don’t worry, this post isn’t about the vaccine or Europe. (you can get that story here) It is about the three reasons that Times editor, David Leonhardt, gives for the vaccine mess: too much bureaucracy, being...

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