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Numbers, Stories, and the Formula for Making the Case

This post was taken from the weekly B-mail message sent March 1, 2022 to subscribers. 

Last month I delivered a talk - IN PERSON - to a group of fundraising professionals here in Virginia. It was thrilling to be in the same room as my audience; to see the nodding heads, raised hands, and smiling faces. As invaluable as Zoom has been throughout the pandemic and beyond, there is just no substitute for proximity. The energy exchanged between people who are together brings a whole...

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Failure to Communicate: Why Half of Nonprofits Aren't Emailing Donors


This week I stumbled upon a 2019 research report that said only about half of nonprofit organizations send a confirmation or follow-up message when someone makes a donation or subscribes to the organization’s mailing list. HALF.


We all know how critical the first 30 to 90 days are to the lifecycle and “lifetime value” of a new member or donor. It’s been consistently shown that donors are more likely to give again within the first few months than at any...

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