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Friends Don't Let Friends Become Executive Directors

This is a repost from the October 2020 JennyB Designs blog The Executive Director’s BFF: A Conversation with Bernadette Mack 



BM: There could be an expression in the nonprofit industry: Friends don’t let friends become executive directors. I’ve worked with and for nonprofit organizations of every shape and size for over 20 years and...

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All Things Considered: Three Ways to Use Fundraising's Magic Word

One of the greatest things we can do for our fellow human beings is to consider them. We can consider their thoughts, their feelings, their circumstances and, then, we can use those considerations to make decisions about how we’ll act.

And, when it comes to fundraising for nonprofits, “consider” is a magic word.

We often see appeal letters using this language when asking for donations as in, “Please consider making a gift today.” It’s a much softer and...

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I Left A (Semi) Controversial Comment on LinkedIn and This Is What Happened

Earlier this week, I commented on a post about LeBron James on LinkedIn. Admittedly, I don’t follow basketball much anymore and I know very little about James himself - but it wasn’t his game playing I was concerned with. My comment was about the language used in the post - something I care a lot about. Here’s what the post read:

Here was my comment: 


Many people agreed with my comment - but there were also plenty of folks who didn’t. The dissenters...

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Digital or Die: A Marketing Master's Tough-Love Tips for Nonprofits

Dragging your feet on improving your web presence? In a holding pattern for fully utilizing social media and email to engage your community? Still scratching your head about how to present programs, events, and value virtually? If you are doubling down on an old formula for success and waiting anxiously for the world to return to ‘normal’ – this is your wake-up call. Ben Smithee, digital marketing expert and CEO of The Smithee Group, a Brooklyn-based full service...

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Design Intervention: Three Pros Offer Enlightening Tips for Cash-Strapped Nonprofit Organizations

Do your marketing materials, social posts, and printed collateral look a little homemade? Is there a subtle, yet unmistakable, DIY vibe to your website?  It’s OK - there’s no shame in the bootstrapping game. For most nonprofits, having a graphic designer on staff or on annual retainer would be nothing short of a miracle. But, in this digital age, can anyone really afford not to invest wisely in their image and online presence? 


If your already-shoestring budget is...

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Automatically Inspired: How System-Generated Messaging Can Make or Break Your Organizationā€™s COVID Response

This article originally appeared on the Impact PR & Communications Blog here:

Automatically Inspired: How System-Generated Messaging Can Make or Break Your Organization’s COVID Response

This article originally appeared on the Impact PR & Communications Blog here:

Without in-person events or meetings, organizations must now rely entirely on email and other digital forms of communication to welcome new members, thank donors,...

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Something About Like So

I haven’t had a complete thought in about three weeks. Then again, I’m not even sure that’s how long it’s been. Keeping my kids occupied, entertained, and off of electronics for the hours they would have been in school is a brain drain for someone used to having uninterrupted time to think and work. Brain space is personal space in my book and it’s in short supply these days. Is it just me or is someone always talking? Though I’m ever grateful for health,...

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Every Little Thing, Is Gonna Be Alright

At my house it’s Day 4 of no school, no activities, no events, and no sports. It’s interesting but we’re keeping busy for now. The weather is good and there are great parks nearby, so we’ve made a point to get out and enjoy nature as much as possible. 

It has dawned on me this week that I’ve actually wished for this at one time or another; that the whole world would slow down and we weren’t constantly rushing from thing to thing. It was a pipe dream. A...

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I am a Rock, I am an Island.

Update: it’s still winter. 

If you’re a snow-sport enthusiast or just love the cold weather and long nights, then February is probably your jam. Me? Not so much. (I am #solarpowered). Like it or not, though, winter plays an important role in the unfolding of nature and the human psyche - it’s an annual invitation to go inside and reflect. I suppose it deserves a little respect.

 There’s a point in time, though, (right about now for me) when the cozy has fully...

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A Means to an End: Dissolving Your Nonprofit with Competence & Finesse

The closure of a nonprofit organization, for reasons good or bad, is a reality for many leaders each year. If you are faced with the prospect of dissolution, it’s important to know that the care and attention you give to the termination of your organization is as important as the care and attention it was given at its start. Leading others through a comprehensive and deliberate wrap-up plan will help stakeholders and the public come to terms with what’s happening and help prevent...

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