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Failure to Communicate: Why Half of Nonprofits Aren't Emailing Donors


This week I stumbled upon a 2019 research report that said only about half of nonprofit organizations send a confirmation or follow-up message when someone makes a donation or subscribes to the organization’s mailing list. HALF.


We all know how critical the first 30 to 90 days are to the lifecycle and “lifetime value” of a new member or donor. It’s been consistently shown that donors are more likely to give again within the first few months than at any...

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How to Use Email to Grow Your Nonprofit in 2021

Finding new members and donors for your nonprofit organization can sometimes be a challenge - especially if you have a small team or a packed programming agenda. Finding the time to seek out and engage people who might want to join your cause isn’t always feasible when there are events to plan, initiatives to develop, or reports to write. Wearing many hats adds to the excitement of running a nonprofit but it also means leaders are often stretched thin


When I was the...

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Deliverance: Free Your Cold Subscribers for Better Email Open Rates

Last week, in a message to my subscribers, I talked about how I’m building my email list as a main strategy to develop my coaching and consulting business. And how the same activities and tools I’m using can and should also be used by nonprofits to expand their communities and attract more people to support their mission


There’s another aspect to list building that is just as important as attracting the right people and that is releasing the wrong people....

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Anything E.U. Can Do, I Can Do Better

Europe’s failing vaccine rollout was the topic of yesterday morning’s New York Times newsletter. Apparently, distribution is much slower in the EU than in many other places and, as a result, cases of COVID-19 are continuing to surge.

But, don’t worry, this post isn’t about the vaccine or Europe. (you can get that story here) It is about the three reasons that Times editor, David Leonhardt, gives for the vaccine mess: too much bureaucracy, being...

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Do You See What I See? An ode to Warby Parker.

One of my favorite aspects of teaching my digital course, the Empowered Nonprofit Leader, is diving into the fun work of creating or updating mission, vision, and values statements. It's no secret that I geek out at a great turn of phrase or inspiring, exciting language. And of all the examples I give in the mission module, my number one pick is, solidly, Warby Parker. Their approach to the M/V/V is non-traditional but perfectly matched to the brand's personality and style.
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Don't Let Bygone Bylaws be Bygones

Whether an organization's bylaws are a dusty relic, daily reference material, or somewhere in between, it’s important to understand the role they play in an executive director’s leadership development as well as their ability to get things done. 


Knowing the bylaws inside and out helps leaders anticipate conflict, correct or prevent undesirable conditions, and positions them as the authority in organizational knowledge.  


When should bylaws...

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"My question is..."

Chances are, on this 19th day of January in the year 2021, when readers see the word “clubhouse” they’ll have one or more of these four reactions:

  1. I am obsessed with Clubhouse!
  2. I can’t WAIT to get invited to Clubhouse!
  3. I am so sick of hearing about Clubhouse! 
  4. What is Clubhouse? 

So, to help bring the 4's up to speed and to prevent some 3's from potentially catastrophic eye-rolling injuries, I offer the following quick and dirty overview after roughly three...

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Churn, Baby, Churn: Three things proactive associations will have done to rescue member retention


A valid concern.

Associations and other nonprofits that do not provide direct support or essential services related to COVID, work-from-home, or the economic downturn might be feeling a tad vulnerable by now. Perhaps they fear that their members, when faced with tough choices and competing priorities, will let their memberships lapse or will cancel outright. 


The moment(s) of truth.

36% of membership organizations have “rolling memberships” in which members...

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Morale Dilemma: Keeping Teams Energized and Focused, Nine Months Later


So, this has gone on longer than anyone expected.

Right. WFH is no longer a temporary status update - it’s been nearly nine months for most organizations in the US and shows no signs of changing. Throughout the shift from “we need to do this for the time being” to “we’ll be doing this for the foreseeable future,” nonprofit leaders have had to learn to effectively manage a remote working environment without one major ingredient: an environment. 

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Four Hard Truths About Stagnant Nonprofit Organizations

We're not moving the needle.

We can’t seem to get out of our own way.

I'm just not seeing any progress.

We're not having an impact. 

I'm just spinning my wheels.


Sound familiar?

No matter which way you say it, the story is the same: you’re working hard (perhaps harder than ever) but not creating a measurable result with your nonprofit. Maybe you and your team get lots of work done but still can’t seem to move the mission forward in a way that truly...

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